Home / Benefits of Freelancing

Freedom above all

- A very high-priority advantage of being a freelancer is the enormous freedom that comes with this form of work.

In recent years, it has become incredibly popular to work as a freelancer, rather than taking a "normal" salaried job, and the benefits are also quite understandable and easy to spot.

  • There is no longer anyone who dictates that you e.g. must work from 8-16 every day. You decide entirely yourself when you want to work.
  • You also decide who you want to work for, which gives an incredible degree of freedom.
  • You never have to take on tasks that you don't feel like doing. Instead, you can take on only the tasks you're really passionate about.

Where, to a much larger extent, you just wanted a permanent job with a fixed income, far more people today want to do away with this way of working, instead of prioritising freedom – becoming your own boss, working when you want to – while also having the opportunity to put the ceiling on your own earnings.

Be your own boss

Another very high priority reason for many to work as a freelancer is that you become your own boss.

There is no longer anyone who tells you what to do and which projects to work on, when to go to work - or take time off.

You become completely and utterly master of your own house, which gives an absolutely fantastic feeling.

Be Your Own Boss

Work where you want - and when you want

As a freelancer at Pennore, you get fantastic freedom. We put no restrictions on where you stay or when you work. It's freedom.

When you have a permanent job with the same employer, it usually means that you have to work in the same place and at the same time, every day. It's not like that with us, here you do as you like.

  • You decide where you want to work - regardless if you're in Copenhagen, Chicago or Caracas.
  • You also decide when you want to work - even if it's in the middle of the night.

So, in other words, you are never tied to any geographical location - and you can work when it suits you. Only a bad internet connection can put a possible limitation on your geographical freedom.

Earn as much as you want

Earn as much as you want

Another big advantage of being a freelancer is that you decide your own salary. You never need to go and ask a boss for a salary raise when you think that the salary is gradually lagging a little behind.

If the money is not the most important thing, you can simply work less and say no to tasks. Conversely, if you want to earn more, you can take on more tasks and work longer.

Although market forces also have a bearing on how much you can earn, many freelancers find that their wages increase over time. Partly because you gain more and more experience, but also because you get to make a name for yourself within your industry, which thus increases the opportunities.

Finally, unpaid overtime no longer exists. Every second you work brings increased earnings. The possibilities to earn what you want will be almost unlimited.

The advantages are many

You therefore have many advantages from starting as a freelance content writer at Pennore. It's just a matter of getting started.