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Below we have added a list containing the questions that we have most often received from other freelancers. Do you have other questions that are not in the list, but which are urgent, you are very welcome to send us an email

Pennore for freelancers is a platform for communicating tasks within writing web texts. You sign up as a freelancer by clicking Freelancer Signup , where you answer some questions about your skills and experience.

Once your freelancer profile has been created, you can take on text assignments in a number of areas and types. As a starting point, you can take on tasks with the preparation of blog posts, articles and product descriptions.

A freelancer is a person who takes on tasks with various suppliers without being employed. It is often seen that tasks are taken from the same supplier for shorter or longer periods. As a freelancer, you do not get a salary either, but instead compensation through direct payment per task, where a contract is drawn up for each task. This is how it also happens at Pennore. Here we create a contract for each text task, which contains all conditions for the solution and completion of the task.
At Pennore, we have three types of text assignments, which are respectively blog post, article and product description. Which type you can take depends a lot on your wishes and, in particular, competences within the individual. If you have extensive experience with e.g. articles, it will probably make the most sense for you to take on this type of task. If you want to write product descriptions instead, but have little or no experience with it, you can start with smaller and less demanding tasks, in order to gain some experience that way.
In principle, you can do that well, but we recommend that you only take on one task at a time. This is because if you If you fail to deliver an assignment on time, you may risk being "punished" by a reduced price per word, which is the way, i.e. payment per words on which you are paid per task. In some cases, you can also obtain higher payment for a task if you deliver ahead of time.
It depends a lot on the individual task, both the type of task, the number of words it must contain, and how quickly the end customer wants it delivered. You may therefore have 1-2 weeks to complete some tasks, while others only give you a few days. In all cases, you will be able to obtain higher payment for the tasks that have a shorter delivery period.
When you have created your freelancer profile, you will be able to see a list of currently offered tasks under the "New Tasks" tab. Here you can both browse the individual tasks and accept a task by clicking "Accept". Once you have confirmed acceptance of the task, it is yours - and you now have the number of days specified to hand in the finished text. Submission of completed - or ongoing - assignments takes place under the individual assignment, where you can upload your document. We can receive both Word, PDF and plain text documents.
You will know this immediately after you have clicked "Accept" on a task in the list of currently offered tasks, under the "New Tasks" tab. You will also be able to see your assignment, and possibly other ongoing and completed tasks, under the "My Tasks" tab.
It is determined by the individual task and task type. You must basically follow the instructions described in the assignment, including industry, topic, number of words, inclusive keywords, language, etc. In addition, for e.g. an article assignment, you must spend more time familiarizing yourself with the topic, including researching various relevant sources for the topic, as an article typically has to be more fact-based than, for example, a blog post that is based to a far greater extent on own experience and attitudes on the subject. For the same reason, an article also gives a higher payment per word. Read any more here about the individual text types and their differences.

Furthermore, it is important to always deliver a high quality in your tasks, as precisely the quality at Pennore is of very high priority. If you do not deliver sufficiently good quality, you risk not being offered as many tasks in the future.

It is very individual for both freelancer and task type. All text assignments are paid per words, and therefore your earnings depend to a very large extent on how many words the individual task has. In addition, e.g. articles give a higher price per word, as more is typically required to write an article.

Finally, you can also earn more by completing a task earlier than agreed. You are also rewarded for your work by being quick. However, never forget that the quality of your submitted assignment must always be high. If you do not deliver sufficiently good quality, you risk not being offered as many tasks in the future.

When you hand in an assignment, which is done by uploading a document containing the number of words that has been agreed - and the assignment is then approved by Pennore, the agreed amount for payment for the assignment will be deposited into your Pennore account. Here you can choose to have the money paid out as you wish - either through e.g. bank transfer or paypal.
Payment for a completed task takes place immediately after you have uploaded the final document, cf. the task description - and the document has been approved by Pennore. The money is then deposited into your Pennore account, from which you can subsequently choose to have your deposit transferred to an external account, either via bank transfer or e.g. Paypal. Approval of a task, after you have uploaded a document, happens relatively quickly and always within 24 hours of uploading.
It directly depends on the task. It will always be indicated on an assignment which language it must be written in. However, you will never be offered tasks that must be written in other than the language(s) that you have specified on your profile.
There may be tasks where keywords are not of the greatest relevance. But the vast majority of tasks require you to include one or more keywords or search phrases. In that case, the keywords must be included naturally in your text formulations. When keywords are specified in the assignment, you must typically include them 3-5 times, unless otherwise stated in the assignment description. In some cases, it will be specifically dictated how the keywords must be included and written, for example, via an already defined sentence. In other cases, it will be up to you to create wording yourself that includes the selected keywords and phrases.
It is somewhat up to you. Pennore can mount or Word (.docx), PDF (.pdf) and completely plain text documents (.txt). However, we recommend that you write in Word, both because it is often easier to work in, but also because it is a format that most people are familiar with. Ultimately, though, it's all up to you.
You do this by, on the current assignment, uploading your finished document, either by clicking "upload" or by dragging the document onto the upload panel below the assignment. The system will automatically count the number of words in the document when you upload, and then change the status to completed, assuming that the number of words according to the task has been met. We are then notified at Pennore that the task has been completed. We then carry out a review, after which the task is approved. Approval usually takes place shortly after you have uploaded the last version - and always within 24 hours.

In some cases, you may experience that a delivery is rejected, which can have several different reasons, including if the spelling or grammar is not correct - or if the document has been delivered late.

Below or next to all buttons and fields, there are short help texts which should explain and guide you. There is no specific help document apart from these help texts. Do you experience the help is missing, incomprehensible or perhaps misleading, we would love to hear from you right here. We always welcome your feedback.
It all depends on how many tasks you take on. Since all tasks are paid per words, it is therefore predominantly a question of how many words you can manage to write over a period of time. If you are quick to write and thus able to deliver the texts before the agreed time, you will be able to obtain a bonus on your assignments, and thus earn even more. However, YOU must always remember that the quality of what you deliver is very important. If you do not deliver sufficiently high quality, you risk being offered fewer tasks in the future.
Once you have completed a task, your payment for the task will be deposited into your Pennore account. From here you decide for yourself when you want to pay out your money, which you can also do yourself on your account. We do not pay interest because you have your money with us, but vice versa, you may save some costs (interest, fees, etc.) with your own bank or Paypal.
Every time you upload a finished document under your tasks, we at Pennore receive a notification that the task has been completed. We then carry out a review of your document - and if everything has been delivered as agreed, we approve the document - and your payment is deposited into your Pennore account.

Is there any parts of the content in the document that do not live up to what was agreed, you may risk having the document rejected - or simply approved with a comment. If the document is rejected, you must adjust the things that may does not meet the task description, and uploaded it again. In such cases, however, we must first be notified that you wish to make a new upload, as the function on already completed tasks is otherwise blocked. If you want to adjust and re-upload, remember that it must still be done within the agreed deadline, otherwise the document will be rejected.

In cases where a rejection may be due to a late delivery of the document, you will NOT receive payment for the task. It is therefore important that you always meet the delivery deadlines, and if you deliver before time, there is also a bonus to collect.

In cases where you deliver a document late, you will generally NOT receive payment for the task. It is therefore important that you always meet the delivery deadlines, and if you deliver before time, there is also a bonus to collect.
The delivery deadline for an assignment will always appear under the assignment details, which you can see and deal with before accepting an assignment.
You can take on assignments in all industries. But you will, in the first instance, only be offered tasks within the industries that you, in your profile, have indicated you have experience with or an interest in.
We will then be very sorry if you wish to close your profile. But if you want to do that, you have to go to din konto. You must then click "Close account" - and follow the description for canceling the account.
NOTE: You must be aware that when you have completed closing your profile, we save data for 14 days when you will still be able to re-establish your profile by notifying us. The profile is then finally deleted, and cannot then be re-established. Your saved information, including profile and tasks - will be lost!

Do you have any receivables on your Pennore account, these must first be paid before you can close your account.

You can easily register your company, we actually recommend that you as a freelancer work through a company. You simply have to insert your CVR number during the creation, and you will be registered as a business supplier.
You must, as a rule of thumb, always report your income for tax, regardless that you might only small income. You might not, due to personal deductions, have to pay any tax on your income.

NOTE: If you have a registered business (company or private), you must execute continuous accounting according to country or local legislation.

If you have a question that we have not answered on this page, we would really like to hear from you and try to answer your question. Send us an email
When you log into your account, under settings, you will also have the option to subscribe/unsubscribe to the newsletter.

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