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Below we have added a list containing the questions that we have most often received from other customers. Should you have other questions, that are not in the list, but which are urgent, you are very welcome to send us an email.

Pennore is an online platform for quick and simple ordering of content, including blog posts, articles and product descriptions. You place an order by clicking Order content, where you also enter the details of your order, including industry, subject, type of content, number of words, keywords, language, etc., as well as when you want your content delivered. Once you have placed the order, we will find the best qualified writer, after which the preparation of the content will begin. When the content is finished incl. thorough proofreading - we will send it to you. Delivery of your content always takes place within the time we have agreed in the order.
We always work with highly competent writers. When we choose a writer for an assignment, it is very important for us to find the most suitable person. In addition to naturally being good at writing and expressing themselves, the author should also be a person with knowledge and interest, or experience, within the field or industry you've orderered the content. All content writers at Pennore work on a freelance basis.

Finally, we carry out thorough proofreading when an author has submitted content, so we ensure that spelling and grammar errors, inappropriate wording, missing keywords etc. are corrected or adjusted before you receive the final content.

This is determined directly by the content you order. It will e.g. take longer to write the content, the more words it has. At the same time, it is also possible for you, in connection with the ordering, to choose delivery time - which can either be shorter or longer than standard. All are parameters that will determine when your content will be delivered. The delivery time can therefore range from a few days and up to a few weeks.

When you order content, you will receive an expected date on delivery of the content.

At Pennore, we offer three types of content - respectively Blog posts, Articles and Product descriptions.

Here you can read more about the difference between the three types.

One of the most important factors when writing content is finding the best writer. Therefore, when when we receive a new order for content, we always start by finding the most qualified person for the job. Some of the criterias we set when searching for the best writer are knowledge - and experience or interest in the field. In addition to the fact that all authors must, of course, be good at writing and expressing themselves in writing. In this way, we ensure that the content we deliver to you as a customer is always as good as possible.

Finally, we carry out thorough proofreading when an author has completed writing content, so we ensure that spelling and grammar errors, inappropriate wording, missing keywords, etc. are corrected or adjusted before you receive the final content.

When you place an content order, you make payment as normal, either by credit card or via Paypal. However, we do not deduct the amount from your card or account until the time when we actually deliver the content to you. Depending on how long the delivery time has been agreed on the order, payment will be made at approximately the same time.
Once you have placed an order, you can view your order and all previous orders at any time in your account within "Orders". Here you can also, within "Invoices", see all your invoices for all completed orders.
You can easily do that. Every time you complete an content order, it will be assigned an independent order number and follow its own process flow. You can see all your orders, active and completed, in your account - within "Orders".
Of course you can. When you order content, you are offered the opportunity to make several inputs or requirements for your content, including e.g. which keywords or search phrases the content must contain.
Currently, you can order content in either Danish or English. Do you need content in other languages, then send us an email about it, and we would definitely try to see what we can do to meet your request. This, as we have writers who can write in several languages, and maybe we also have one who can write in the language you need.
In addition to the fact that it is very important for us to find the best author for each piece of content, we also carry out thorough proofreading when an author has finished a peice of content. This in order to ensure that spelling and grammar errors, inappropriate wording, missing keywords, etc. are corrected or adjusted before you receive the final content from us.
The price of content has several influencing factors. Among others - content type, word count, delivery time etc. To make it a bit more specific, you can here see price examples - when ordering content of different types, word count and delivery time.
It is an extremely difficult question to answer. Primarily because the need is typically very individual. It is mainly about what your goal with the content is. Is it to spread awareness of you or your brand? To get more visitors to your website? Or, to get more sales-leads? Regardless, the number of "necessary" pieces of content, in relation to achieving your goals, is often determined by how big the competition is in your particular industry and perhaps area.

In other words, there may be a greater or lesser need, depending on how big the competition is. But, in many cases, it's a matter of getting started with getting some "content" out on your website, and then continually assessing whether you're getting the amount of visitors you want (assuming that was the goal), and if not, it may be because you have too little content. But it can also depend on many other factors.

We would really like to write your content, but recommends that you first get create a marketing strategy or plan, or get in touch with a marketing agency in order to make them draw up a strategy and a plan for what you want to achieve with your activities and initiatives.< /p>

Your content is generally always delivered in PDF format (.pdf). But if you want a different format, e.g. Word (.docx), you can specify it under comments on your order, and will of course deliver in the desired format.
When an order has been completed and you have received your ordered content, you can see your invoice - and all other invoices - at any time in your account in the menu item: "Invoices".
Below or next to all buttons and fields, there are short help texts which should explain and guide you. There is no specific help document apart from these help texts. If you find the help being poor, incomprehensible or perhaps misleading, we would love to hear from you right here.

In addition, we are always delighted to receive your feedback.

When you order content, there is more information that we need to get from you - or choices you have to make. Therefore, it would not make sense to order several pieces of content at once, unless, of course, all the content must contain the same thing, which is probably not so often the case.

One can perhaps imagine that some customers would like to order several pieces of content on the same order, but we have not yet had the request which is why our system cannot currently handle this. Should you wish to do so, we would of course be very happy to hear from you. Send feedback

However, after you have ordered your first piece of content, it will be even easier to order no. 2, 3, etc. It is only with the first order that you e.g. must enter name, address, company, etc., this information will by the second order then already be stored in the system.

Every single piece of content that is written with us is absolutely completely unique. We do not send out the same content to two customers, which is part of our values, precisely to offer unique content to everyone. In addition to the fact that all our content writers are fully aware of this value - and live by it, all pieces of content are reviewed and proofread, which also includes checking that there are no elements in the content that have been copied from other content on the Internet (this is called Copyscape).
We always do what we can to deliver ordered content as agreed. We ourselves know how annoying it can be when you're waiting for an item and it's late. Therefore, it is also important for us that we ensure the delivery of content to our customers within the agreed time. If possible, we also try to deliver ahead of time.

Since it is people who carry out the work of both writing and proofreading, we unfortunately also experience that once in a while it does not go quite as desired. However, we try to do our best to honour all agreements - and usually do.

If you have ordered and received a piece of content that does not correspond to what was agreed or does not meet your expectations, we would of course like to hear from you. We always strive to deliver the right product, with the agreed content - and on time.

Is it possibly not the case, it is therefore important for us to hear from you so that we can resolve the problem. You can write to us right here: Send feedback or complaint.

You certainly can. When you order content, in addition to answering some questions about the content and details of the order, you also have the option to add additional requirements or other inputs that are relevant to the content order in question.

Have you already placed an order, but have subsequently thought of other things that might be or could be important for the order. Then hurry and send us an email - and we will do our best to bring the missing pieces to the author.

When you order content, we ask you for a range of information, both more general such as name, address, etc., but also more specific, such as type of content, word count, language, topic, industry, keywords, proposed heading, etc. which all help us to ensure that we create the content you expect.

Is there any other information that may be relevant to the content to be written - it is also possible to add this during the order. It could, for example, be specific paragraphs that you would like to have included, or perhaps a reference to an article elsewhere on the Internet, with important input regarding or in relation to your content. Regardless of what it might be, the more information we can get from you, the more likely we are to write a really good piece of content that hits the mark.

Pennore is a platform exclusively for ordering content. We therefore do neither marketing nor SEO. However, we absolutely have SEO actively in mind when we work with the content, including e.g. through the inclusion of both keywords and search phrases.

The reason why we have chosen to focus exclusively on content is that experience tells us that the more focused you are, the better the results get in the work you do. If we also choose to include marketing, SEO and perhaps several other areas in our product/service range, there would be a great risk that it would compromise the quality of the content we deliver. That's why we only work with content at Pennore. But that, we are also insanely good at.

At Pennore, we work exclusively with content - we simply do not have other products in the range. Experience tells us that the more focused you are, the better the results you deliver.

Focus is one of the most important elements in creating and running a successful business. If you lose focus, or direct your focus to the wrong places, it will undoubtedly soon show in both terms of commitment, drive and profit - and ultimately in the results.

Therefore, we believe that you should do what you do best - and get help with the rest. We actually wrote a small blog post about that, which you can read here: Therefore you should outsource the writing of your content.

We store your data, including personal information, on restricted-access computers and servers located in controlled facilities. Our security measures are checked on an ongoing basis to determine whether our user information is handled properly, and while still taking into account your rights as a user, including cf. GDPR.

Read more under our Privacy Policy.

We would be very sorry if you wish to close your account with us. However, if you wish to do so, you must send us an e-mail with your request, after which we will initiate the deletion of the account.

NOTE: You must be aware that when we have closed your account, we store data for 14 days, during which you will still be able to re-establish the account - should you regret it, by notifying us of this.

The account is then permanently deleted and cannot be re-established. Your saved information, including account, orders and invoices - will be lost!

If you have any ongoing orders, including outstanding, these must first be completed before we can close your account.

At Pennore, we deal exclusively with other businesses (b2b), which is why you unfortunately cannot order as a private person. When you order content, you must therefore state the company name and number to complete the order.
If you have a question that we have not answered on this page, we would really like to hear from you and try to answer your question. Send us an email
When you log into your account, within settings, you will also have the option to subscribe/unsubscribe to the newsletter.

Are you ready to order content?

We hope you found all answers to your questions - otherwise send us an email below - and tell us what you need to know?