Home / How it works



First go to Freelancer Signup and complete registration.

You can register as a content writer, translator or proofreader.

Once you have completed the signup, you are ready to take on your first task.


Order from customer - Task to be prepared

When we receive a new order from a customer, it must be prepared as a task for you. Once completed, it is inserted into the list of available tasks.


Search Tasks

By clicking on available tasks under your profile, you will get a list of all tasks that match your skills.

Task flow


Select Task

In the list of tasks, you now choose the task that you think suits you best - your interests, the length of the text and perhaps the delivery time.


Your task is started

The system receives notification that you have accepted the task, after which the process flow of the task is started.


The task is executed

You now begin your task. Here you must daily upload your latest version of the document, which gives us the opportunity to follow the progress of the task.


The progress is evaluated

After your daily uploads of the document from your ongoing task. We evaluate the progress of the task, which helps to ensure that the customer - in the end - receives his order as agreed.



The assignment is submitted

When you have finished the task, you upload your final version, after which the status of the task automatically changes to "Delivered" (after the system's word count of the document).


Delivery Approved and Paid for

When you have uploaded the last version, we receive a message from the system to approve the task, which is completed. The status is now changed to "Approved", and the amount we owe you for the completion of the task is credited to your account.


The task is Completed

Once we have approved the task and the money has been deposited into your account, you will receive a notification. The task is thus completed - and you can take on the next task.

Ready to become Freelancer?

We hope you got answers to your questions about the process - otherwise send us an email below - and tell us what you need to know?