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Dedication: An essential qualification in Content writers

It is with content as with many other creatively created things in the world, you have to be committed and dedicated to what you are doing in order to create something great. Dedication and naturally great skills are the two most important factors when it comes to the creation of interesting and compelling content.

The source of great content

In addition, a good content writer should preferably possess the ability to immerse himself in the subject to be written. Being able to investigate, uncover and provide the necessary knowledge on the subject is simply essential. Finally, a good amount of empathy is also very important, as empathy enables the author to put himself in the reader's place, and to write in a way that makes the written text as interesting and catchy as possible.

It is therefore also very important that you make sure to find the right author for the specific topic. Not everyone can write interestingly and realistically about tower jumping or ditch digging, and still retain the reader. But people who are genuinely interested in the topic can, as they will be able to deliver a much greater commitment to just this story.

Selecting the right author

When we, at Pennore, receive a new content assignment, we therefore always start by assessing our available authors in order to find just the person who we believe will engage best with the current topic. In this way, we ensure the highest possible probability of ultimately being able to deliver a text to you as a customer that gives you a tailwind online - and thus more visitors to that particular piece of content.

At the same time, there may also be a wide variation in content assignments, on the need for in-depth knowledge or experience of cultural aspects of a topic, which may sometimes require local knowledge. It can be an almost impossible task for a writer from Flanders to write about a very local topic in Wallonia, or perhaps even more difficult - for a German writer, having to write about a current topic in Denmark. We are not saying that this can not be done, because we know that it can. But it just emphasizes the incredible importance of finding the best writer for each assignment.

Often, we actually choose to have a foreign author write Danish content. Of course, an Italian cannot write the Danish content, but he or she can write a fantastic and outstanding text in Italian, after which we have competent translators and proofreaders that can turn the text into Danish as if written by a dane. This naturally only happens in cases where, for example, culture and local knowledge are not essential. Because when this is not the case, there are many foreign content writers who can be at least as committed and competent as, in this case, a Danish writer would be.

Proofreading and tasty wordings

An essential element of being able to proudly hand over a completed content assignment to you as a customer is for us that it appears error-free and ready to be placed directly on your website. But before that is the case, the text has to undergo a mandatory quality check with us.

This means that once a text has been written and delivered internally, it undergoes a thorough proofreading, where both the wording of sentences and any spelling and grammatical errors are corrected. Because only by having this quality control before the finished text can be sent to the client, can we put our head on the block and know that we have done our best to deliver a good and thorough product.

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