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Our approach

- If you create the content strategy - we write the content

Before you order content from us, we recommend that you first think about:

  • What you want to achieve with your content - and how, possibly in the form of a content or marketing strategy.
  • Which content, including: topic, keywords, length, etc. - should then be written to meet your strategy and fulfil your goals.

When you have given these things a couple of thoughts - and decided on the content to be written - we can definitely help you.

Choose between three types of text content

When a company need to go out and brand itself online, it is primarily about getting out and making some digital "noise" about itself - to be seen by the search engines, and probably especially to be seen by Google, where content is one of the most important roads to follow.

Pennore's content product catalog currently spans three primary content types:

  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Product descriptions

There are, of course, several other types of content, including Whitepapers, E-mails, SoMe posts, Guides, E-books, Webinars, Case Studies, etc.
- but these tree are the ones that we have chosen to focus on - and offer to write.

Each of these content types has its own distinctive character, focus and target group, which you can read more about in the section below Difference between the types.

It is in particular these tree types which, in the initial stages of Internet marketing for many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), provides the best value - and in many cases relatively straightforward to get started with.

SMEs, because we have chosen them as our primary target group, and thus here we both want and believe we can make the biggest difference.


Difference between the types

Blog posts

A blog post is a relatively small piece of content, as part of a person's or company's blog (weblog) - either in the form of knowledge, information, experiences, attitudes or thoughts about a subject, shared on the Internet so others can read along. Typically it has a length of 400-1000 words.


An article is a medium to long piece of content that investigates or informs within a specific topic or area, clearly and independently. The content of an Article is often seen to be more detailed and thorough than a Blog post. Generally, an Article has a length of around 800-2400 words.

Product descriptions

A product description is marketing text (copy) that explains what a product is and why it is worth buying. The purpose of a Product Description is to provide customers with important information about the features and benefits of a product so that they want to buy it. Normally, a Product Description will have a length of about 150-450 words, but it varies and depends a lot on the product being described.