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Great Content is the Path to Online Success

All businesses need to be seen by potential customers. If you are an online company, i.e. a company where many customers typically finds the company - products or services, through search engines on the Internet such as Google, the need to be found is often much greater.

How does Google find your business?

In the search engines' algorithms, there are a number of parameters on which they measure whether a web page should be displayed or not - depending on what is being searched for, and in all cases, it is about the content a web page has published, i.e. the articles or blog posts which is on the web site, has content that people actually want to read about.

In other words, it is important that in the content that are written you give the visitor what they want, and Google finds out whether this is the case, by matching the keywords or search phrases from the webpage with the ones that the user has entered in the search field. If there is a match, i.e. a webpage has the same keywords or phrases represented, there will be a probability that the content in question has hit exactly what the visitor wanted to see. It will then be a question of how high the page will be placed in the search results, which depends on both how many others have visited the page - and how long they stayed there, which are parameters Google uses to rank the relevancy of the page.

This is why great content is important

This therefore means that all the content that you write and post on your website should preferably contain keywords that many people search for and find interesting, simultaneously your content should also be about something that your customers will find interesting, thus contributing to a greater likelihood that the visitor will buy your products or services.

The internet has been around for many years by now, and people are getting really good at typing just the things - search terms - that gives them the best and useful results. This also means that the content that do not fall into what was expected from the searcher, or is not sufficiently inviting - both in content and in layout, are therefore quickly de-selected and the next option in the search results is tried. Also therefore, it is absolutely essential that your content hit the spot in the first attempt at the relevant keywords, if they do not, the visitor has already left your page again.

Get more visitors and success online

If you yourself are able to write the engaging, sharp and sometimes subtle content, it's just a matter of getting started so that you can move to the top of the search engine results. If you on the other hand do not have much experience or skills in writing this kind of content, help is fortunately close at hand. We, at Pennore, have extensive experience in writing interesting content, captivating and surely will help you to online success, which will, in addition to even better rankings on Google and thus more visits - also significantly increase the probability that your visitors end up converting into customers.

Start today - and let us help you write your valuable content.